Thursday, February 22, 2007

Standard Progress Reporting & Tracking

A simply way to improve visibility for customers into projects is through reporting and metrics.

The first thing that all stakeholders want to know is how does the timeline look. Are we on track? Are there any delays? What is our next milestone? I create a simple timeline in Excel (you can use Visio if you prefer) and color code it to indicate the health of each iteration.

Parking Lot
Provide visibility into the progress of features of the system. Use the same color coding system as the timeline. Each feature has a number of UCs associated with it and you can show the percentage of those UCs that have been delivered to the client.

Report the team's productivity after each iteration. Also show the target for the team. I report function points per hour because I want to see the productivity going up.

Resource Burn Rate
Our customers need to know how many resources we have any our burn rate. They have budgets they need to manage too. In this example, I am only reporting past periods, but it could easily be extended to any future timeframe. I build this from the Ramp Plan. I also report the resource count (onshore and offshore) by role.

Burndown & Burnup

Use a burndown chart to track the remaining effort against plan. Use a burnup to track the % complete against plan. I color code the bars to indicate where we went off track. I also add call outs to explain large changes. I report the data in a small table (e.g., planned effort, actual effort remaining, difference).


There are several reports that you can create to provide visibility into testing. This example represents our defect trend by severity over the course of an iteration.

Attrition Rate
Most of our clients are concerned about turnover and losing key resources. We have introduced the following graphs to track our attrition rate per quarter. We also list the resources that left and the reasons for leaving.

Other Metrics Under Consideration

  • Planned vs. actual features delivered by iteration
  • Velocity (# of FPs delivered by iteration)
  • Defect discovery rate
  • Defect density (defects per FP)


Deepa said...

I really liked the metrics you have collected. I would like to know more about these.... do you have a working sheet for all these calculations along with the metrics you ahve mentioned like defect discovery etc

Andy said...

deepa, send me your email address and i will send you the template.

Dianthe said...

People should read this.

Andy said...

Thanks! I might change it a bit in the future given some books I have reach about designing dashboards.

s_ruchit said...

Hi Andy,

Can you send me the worksheets on my email id s_ruchit at ? I really look forward to explore it in much depth.

Rick White said...

Hi Andy,

I too would appreciate a copy of your spreads. Very impressive.



Andy said...

Your charts look good, but most people will be using Excel, so why complicate it for them? If there is a template built, then all they need to do is plug in the numbers and they're done.

Jumbo said...

Andy, good article and keep posting. It will give light to us and who ever following scrum. Please send the excel templete to

Thx in advance

JM Deva